
Online Marketing

Generating more traffic to your website or being more actively present on social media to reach specific agricultural niches in the Netherlands, Benelux or Europe? Together, we will develop an optimal online marketing strategy!

Get more out of your online resources

Lead generation from online marketing

By working closely together, we can continuously optimise your digital strategy. This way, we ensure that it perfectly matches your company's needs and goals. For example, by setting up effective SEO (search engine optimisation), an online banner campaign on the channels of agricultural trade media or an e-mail strategy to generate leads. We are ready to work with you on a successful online marketing strategy.

Optimizing digital channels

Evaluating your digital channels every now and then helps to stay relevant for livestock farmers, farmers, gardeners and stakeholders. Whether it's about personalizing newsletters or improving engagement on your website, we support you in optimizing all your online channels.

Online advertising

Do you want more reach with your online resources? That's possible with advertising! For example, with an effective Google Ads campaign. With SEA, Youtube Ads and Display ads, you can reach your target group when they are looking for an answer to a question for which your product or service offers a solution, but also at times when your target group is not actively looking. With our experience and network, we'll help you from start to finish!

With a targeted online marketing strategy, you increase your visibility with potential customers.

Evaluating digital campaigns

A digital campaign provides valuable data that can be used to analyze and improve the performance of your campaign. We not only help you set up digital campaigns aimed at players in the agricultural chains, but also with evaluating and optimizing the results. If you want to track the progress of your campaign yourself, we'd love to create a customized dashboard where you can track all the important metrics yourself.

Get in touch with us

Do you want to know what we can do for you?

Call or email us and maybe we'll meet for an introduction soon. With you, with us or online. Our goal is to think along with you!

The best result

Four simple steps for effective communication

In four steps, we help you achieve your goal. Whether you want to set up a complete online marketing campaign or are looking for a successful trade fair concept. We go the extra mile to help you move forward.

Step 1

Introductory talk

The first step to a successful collaboration is to level expectations. After your initial email or phone call we schedule a meeting to learn more about each other. What is your challenge and how can we assist you with our expertise? Together, we will agree on how to proceed.

Step 2

Formulating a plan

We plan how to achieve your goals. We present our ideas and advice to you. From resounding concept to realistic planning. So you know exactly what to expect.  

Step 3

Taking action

Once we agree on the plan and the schedule, we will get started. Developing marketing concepts, creating content and planning media. Everyone happy? Then we go live. We carefully monitor the course of the campaign, make adjustments where necessary and, of course, keep you informed.

Stap 4

Discussing results

During and after the campaign, we evaluate the progress and especially the results. You receive a detailed overview of performance and resources deployed. We call that accountability.

Cookies! We use Google Analytics to analyse our website