
oprapers communicatie B.v.

Oprappers Communicatie b.v. attaches to a transparent privacy policy that complies with the legal regulations as set out, among others, in the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG), so that it is clear to everyone which behaviors are allowed and which are not, and how Oprappers Communicatie b.v. ensures compliance with the privacy provisions. In this privacy statement, we inform you why and how we process your personal data, how we protect it and what rights you have when it comes to processing your personal data. This statement may change from time to time, so we recommend that you check it regularly.

Who is responsible for processing personal data?
The person responsible for processing personal data is:
Opraappers Communicatie b.v.
111a Edison Street

7006 RB Doetinchem
Tel: +31 (0) 314340640
Chamber of Commerce number: 09149399

Who is this privacy statement for?
- the customers (including prospects), relationships and suppliers of Oraappers Communicatie b.v.;
- the employees of Oraappers Communicatie b.v. and applicants;
- visitors to our company;
- the visitors to the website of Oraappers Communicatie b.v.;
Oraappers Communicatie b.v. collects personal data when you provide it to us via this website (for example by e-mail), through (customer) contact, via a visit to our company, or otherwise.

What data do we process?
Depending on the target group, principles and purposes, we process the following data as described below:
- Data from customers (including prospects), relationships and suppliers: among other things, we process the following data: first names, last name, company name, address details, financial data including bank account number, customer and relationship number, telephone number and email address,
- Data from employees and applicants: among other things, we process the following data: first names, last name, date and place of birth, address details, social security number, copy of ID, Curriculum Vitae (CV), bank account number, telephone number, email address and passport photo;
- Data from website visitors: Among other things, we process the following data: IP address.

What principles does Oraappers Communicatie b.v. use for processing personal data and for what purposes?
- to execute an agreement; such as processing personal data based on an employment contract with our employees and resulting agreements, for entering into and executing agreements with customers, relations and suppliers, entering into and executing agreements that contribute to our internet services and managing the resulting relationships;
- on the basis of a legal obligation; such as the processing of administrative data for payment of wages and processing data for the tax authorities, government requests;
- to represent the legitimate interest of Oprappers Communicatie b.v., such as carrying out activities aimed at increasing our customer base and improving our services, controlling the use of company property, as well as securing the company and the network security system, protecting company data and preventing leaks, supervising and individually assessing employees, carrying out application procedures;
- consent: in the event that Oraappers Communicatie b.v. processes special personal data, it will ask you for explicit permission, insofar as necessary.
- we also process your personal data to process customer orders, to carry out marketing actions, including informing customers and relations about products and services from Oraappers Communicatie b.v.
- Oprappers Communicatie b.v. periodically sends an e-mail with which we want to inform interested parties about trends and developments, products, services and related issues. Your email address will only be added to the list of subscribers with explicit permission. Each email contains a link that allows you to unsubscribe.
- Oprappers Communicatie b.v. keeps general visitor data about the use of our website. In this context, we register the IP address of your computer, any user name, the time of retrieval and data that a visitor's browser sends. We try to anonymise this information as much as possible before we use it.
Oraappers Communicatie b.v. uses the personal data only for the purposes described above for which we collected it.

What personal data does Oraappers Communicatie b.v. share with third parties?
Oraappers Communicatie b.v. does not provide your personal data to third parties unless this is necessary for the execution of an agreement or to comply with a legal obligation. Depending on the target group, data is shared with an occupational health service, accountant, tax authorities, hosting providers and chain partners, among others. These third parties, so-called processors, work on behalf of Oraappers Communicatie b.v. She has concluded processing agreements with the organizations with which Opraappers Communicatie b.v. shares personal data, which establish the same level of confidentiality and security of the personal data, as applies to Oraappers Communicatie b.v. However, Oraappers Communicatie b.v. remains responsible for these processing operations by third parties.

How long does Oraappers Communicatie b.v. keep your personal data?
Your personal data will not be kept longer than is strictly necessary, or legally regulated, to fulfill the purposes set out in this statement. In any case, your data will be deleted if you request deletion.

How does Oraappers Communicatie b.v. protect your personal data?
Oraappers Communicatie b.v. has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access and other unwanted actions with personal data. Oprappers Communicatie b.v. also makes provisions for the good security of its systems. Access to systems and files is restricted by rights and roles, passwords, and encryption.

What are your rights with regard to the processing of your personal data by Oraappers Communicatie b.v.?
You have the right to see what personal data we process. In addition to the right to view, you also have the right to correct, supplement, limit, delete (unless we are obliged to keep it), protect and transfer (data portability) your personal data. Furthermore, you can withdraw consent once given to Oraappers Communicatie b.v. at any time. Please note that your request to delete or restrict your personal data, as well as your request to withdraw your consent, means that you will no longer be able to use our services.
If you want to exercise your above rights or have questions about our privacy policy, you can (preferably) reach us by email but of course you can also reach us by mail: P.O. Box 89, 7000 AB Doetinchem. We will then respond to your request within four weeks of receiving your request.
If you still have a complaint about how we process your personal data, you can contact the Data Protection Authority (AP) ( file a complaint.

Third-party websites
This statement does not apply to third-party websites that are linked to this website by means of hyperlinks. We cannot guarantee that these third parties will handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. We therefore recommend that you read the privacy statements of these websites before using them.

If you have any questions and/or comments about or problems with this privacy statement, please contact us via our email address:

Changes to our privacy policy
Oraappers Communicatie b.v. can amend its privacy policy and thus this privacy statement. Oprappers Communicatie b.v. advises you to check this Privacy Statement regularly.

The current privacy policy was updated on May 25, 2018

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