Google Ads in agricultural communications
Advertising in Google is almost an integral part of a communication plan these days. Not surprisingly so, since Google is the search engine almost everyone in agribusiness uses. As a company, it is therefore important to be visible among the often tens of thousands of search results, for instance to promote your products or convey your expertise. A logical tool for campaigns with a high search volume, but does it also make sense if you want to reach a small, specific target audience?

Small, specific target audiences
Within the agricultural sector, you are dealing with relatively small and specific target audiences. Direct mail based on printed post mailing or e-mailings are obvious marketing tools. After all, you almost know the target audience by name. But even with this audience, Google Ads campaigns can be valuable.
Good keyword analysis for a successful campaign
A successful Google Ads campaign starts with a keyword analysis. These keywords are partly country specific. Which questions are asked by the target audience you want to reach? But also: what are the keywords you do not want to be found on? Keywords ensure that you reach the right target group. In addition, it is important for a successful campaign to continue to monitor the keywords. Which keywords are the right ones and which ones don’t work? How specific should they be?

Why use Google Ads in the agricultural sector? 5 benefits!
1. Being visible at the right moment
As a brand, you want to be visible to your target audience, especially when you have the answer to a question. Right then it is important to show that your product or service exists. Google is the starting point for finding solutions to problems, so it's important to be visible. Besides the outbound marketing where you seek out the customer, inbound marketing, valuable content that naturally leads the consumer to your product or service, is a good addition to your communication plan. For example, in solutions to improve udder health in dairy cows or a herbicide against knotgrass (pigweed) in sugarbeets.
2. Spread out places where you are visible
Farmers and their advisers, just like consumers, consciously and subconsciously absorb all kinds of information. When you come across ads about a product or service in different places, for example in agribusiness magazines, on social media, online banners and via Google, it creates recognition and more loyalty. The target audience knows how to find you everywhere, these days even when you ask Google.
3. Addition on organic searches (SEO)
Of course, the organic search result can also answer the question of the user. Chances are though, that dozens of articles have already been written about your product or service and that you end up at the bottom of the page or on the next page. And even if you write a good article, the ranking of your website also affects your ranking in Google. That ranking depends on factors such as the amount of direct traffic, the time a user spends on your website, link activity to and from your website and many other factors. To be more visible within Google to potential customers, Google Ads can be a good addition.
4. Few competitors
Google Ads works based on auctions. When multiple advertisers advertise with the same keyword, criteria such as the quality of the ads and the maximum bid decide if and when the ad appears to potential customers. With less competition, you keep costs down and have a better chance of getting a better ranking than the competitor.
5. Flexibility
Especially with small target audiences, it is important to closely monitor the advertising. For example, you want to promote a product for professional use in the poultry industry you aim to exclude hobbyists as much possible. You pay per click, so you want to spend the budget on the right target audience as much as possible. The advantage of Google Ads is that you can adjust your ads at any time of the day. Do you notice that you have a lot of displays but only a few clicks? Then look at your target audience, keywords and ads. Do you notice that you are ranking lower than your competitors? Then look at your quality score and budget. This way, you can continuously optimise your ads.
So even with small and specific target audiences, there are plenty of advantages to starting a Google Ads campaign. Advertising does not guarantee a top position, but it does increase your visibility.
Getting started with Google Ads? Get in touch with us!
Do you want to know more, or can you use some help with advertising within Google? Then get in touch with us. As a specialist in agricultural communication, we know the search behavior of your target audience and what they respond to better than anyone.
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