FMC's introduction of a new effective insecticide was welcomed with open arms by the greenhouse industry. It quickly became the most widely used insecticide and is almost indispensable in several crops. In order to avoid resistance and hence elimination of the product, it is crucial that growers apply the product correctly and at the right dosage. How can we ensure that users understand the importance of correct application and act accordingly?

The challenge

A new way of working

For optimal results, early application of the drug is important and a block application (two treatments with an interval) is essential as part of resistance management. This is different from what growers are used to. Moreover, at first glance, a single treatment seems sufficiently effective and omitting the second treatment results in cost savings. The effect of this only avenges itself over time.

The solution

Emphasise importance of correct use

If you want to motivate the target audience to change or stick to the correct application, it is important that they understand the importance of it by making it clear that incorrect use can lead to resistance and thus the loss of an essential insecticide. Besides pointing out the consequences for their own farms, we also emphasised the joint responsibility of the industry.

The interpretation

Best practices and key opinion leaders

In the communication to growers, much attention was paid to the correct application of the insecticide. This included properly visualising the application with an infographic. In communication to growers, we used key opinion leaders, leading growers as advisers, who shared their experiences in applying the pesticide and pointed out the importance of proper resistance management. To this end, we wrote technical articles for trade magazines and FMC's website. We also made videos with practical experiences that were shared with growers via e-advertorials and banners on online platforms and via online newsletters. In addition, approaching trade media generated the necessary free publicity.

The result

Awareness and proper use

By sharing best practices and highlighting the urgency of correct use, awareness has been raised within the industry. Growers now better understand that consistent application of the right methods and means is essential for maintaining a healthy crop and available resources.

Feedback from crop advisers shows that they notice that more growers are taking it for granted to comply with resistance measures. In addition, it has become easier to broach the subject of resistance management with growers.

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